Beauty in the Struggle is the title of my personal journal (which sounds pretensh as fuck, but I accidentally came up with a bitchin title while I was comparing the sexual symbolism in two paintings of napoleon, so it's sound). the journal is where I keep all my rambling but often profound, poignant (but mostly lustful) musings on life, art, relationships, all that carry on. it's kind of the messy back room to all my sketchbooks, as 99% of my course work is informed by this scatty little refill pad.
which means I'll most likely be submitting it for assessment. which means whoever's marking it is going to think I'm a huge pain in the arse for writing so much, and a total sex mess freakshop for writing about things like fantasizing about your best friend and how weird it is to have a hot dentist.

...I also learned today that the blog editing tool is actually enough to drive you insane.
As you might have gathered I like exposing more of myself through my journal than I probably should.
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