Monday, 6 December 2010

introducing 'mek 10'

MEK 10 is a book I produced for the book-binding project in first year. I got discount on moleskines, so I got really into filling them with little comic drawings as the paper's really nice for line drawings. it was the first time I just got to have fun drawing whatever I wanted, however I wanted, just like when I was a child - and win marks for it. rather than follow any great narrative, I just used the book to showcase the tone, the humour, and the style of my work. here's a bunch from it.

in more recent times, I've learned that paperchase sketchbooks have exactly the same lovely paper are are super cheap and you can get square-format ones. now i'm like, moleskine? feh! chances are you're not the next shakespeare or hemingway, so you don't need to spend £6 more being told so by some arse-kissing little strip of paper.

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